A Decade of Design with Arune

Posted in Personal


Arune Suvanvej has been on the job for 10 years. We checked in with him to hear what it's been like to see the company, the industry, and his work change and grow.

What would you say you're known for at FINE?
I’m probably known for being a designer who experiments and pushes the envelope a little bit creatively. I think most of the time our developers are somewhat nervous when they are involved in a project with me. They shouldn’t be, though. Sometimes people are like, “Yeah... I think we can do that.”

How has your design work and style changed over the last 10 years? Have changes in the industry affected that change?
Not so much, actually. I don’t look at my work as having one particular style. I really try and create work that helps to solve the unique communication goals for any given project. It’s different every time. I look at design as a set of tools that you can use to solve communication needs. What has changed, and really has gotten more refined, is my process.

I don’t think changes in the industry have affected my design much at all. I’ve been around long enough to see a few major shifts happen in the industry, but the core essence of our work remains the same. At the end of the day, we are trying to help businesses communicate with their customers, usually through storytelling. No matter what the latest technology flavor of the day is, the core objective always stays the same.

What's your favorite thing about being FINE?
The fun we have on a daily basis. One of the things that’s great about FINE is that people aren’t scared to enjoy what they do.

What are you looking forward to in the next 10 years?
Professionally, I’m looking forward to being involved in great projects, producing really exciting work, and having a ton of fun along the way. Other than that, having new experiences, traveling, and enjoying the various hobbies that tend to take up most of my free time.

Top Project List:

There are also bits and pieces of projects that stand out to me, like when I photographed drinks for Domaine St. Michelle. I collaborated with another designer who styled the drinks, and I took the photos. Louis Jadot was a pretty fun project, too.

Favorite memories:

  • The Hornblower caricature from the holiday party that Josh kept in his office for years. It was always right in the camera in the morning meetings. He probably still has it.

  • The time I got stuck in the Natoma office for a week during winter break because of a Portland snow storm.

  • FINE-iversary presents, like scotch and a jiu jitsu gi.

  • Touring the Anchor Brewery.


Arune with "The Ginorwich" at our first Portland office .[/caption]

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