Frazier Healthcare Employees

Frazier Healthcare Partners

Investing in healthcare today is not the landscape it was ten years ago. Trends shift. Markets trend up in areas, and down in others. Frazier's new FINE website brings Life Science and Growth Buyout investing together, in harmony, under one URL.

Make Decisions Easy

User workflow across viewports was a focus, and the site successfully solves complex filtering requirements in a simple and elegant way. The smaller your device gets, the more clearly our thoughtful responsive design shines.

We Do The Little Things

We took the extra time in development to create smart controls whenever reasonable. Next and back functionality that serves up specific sequence sets; back features that are tracking what you were doing before you got there. That kind of thing. You're welcome, visitors.

The Picture For Success

Better healthcare means better patient outcomes. Our story of venture, discovery and business building is grounded through imagery of real life experience, where concept and patient reality intersect.

Details Micro and Macro

Usability enhancements focus on website users, as well as content administrators. Workflows are customized to make content updates easy on the back-end and, of course, seamlessly consumed on the front-end.

"Our website is now live! We are grateful for your expertise, guidance, and support in making this happen. We are really pleased with the result, and appreciate all of your hard work."