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Anchor Brewing

They started in San Francisco in 1896. Since then, they’ve inspired the craft brewing industry and become a beer brand icon. Now, a new web, mobile, social, and digital platform positions them to expand their fiercely loyal fan base, building a global brand that gives them the pioneering credit they so richly deserve.

Craft Beer Meets Digital Craftsmanship

Like their beer, Anchor Brewing's site combines rich history and traditional processes with state-of-the-art touches. Dramatic imagery from Anchor’s archives is seen throughout. A drop-down “beer shelf” creates a unique bottle-based nav. A “Beer is Social” tab integrates social media channels to make the website a hub. And it’s all constructed using the latest technology brewcraft, like smooth javascript that allows slideshow-like vertical scrolling between images.

Beer is Social

Beginning with a comprehensive strategy to tap latent demand from long-loyal fans, Anchor’s social media efforts have garnered tens of thousands of highly active followers. Through a branded social presence in multiple channels, supported by an engagement calendar of blog content, selective promotions, and connections to brand themes like brewcraft and San Francisco history, Anchor's directly connecting with customers as never before.

Raise Your Anchor Wherever You Go

The Anchor digital ecosystem continues to evolve to meet their customer’s lifestyles. A mobile site is a critical piece, both because mobile has become so important and because Anchor is enjoyed in so many settings, whether it’s on-premise, on vacation, or even in their own taproom. Mobility also links to sales with features like a “Find Your Anchor” locator for the Anchor bottle or tap nearest you. And more digital tools to augment Anchor’s experiences are soon to come.

Welcome to the Trading Post

What drives so much of beer, wine, and spirits brand success is solid trade marketing and channel support. A sophisticated digital destination where distributors, sales, and other channel partners can access brand materials quickly and elegantly is key not just to cutting down endless email exchanges and information requests, but for establishing the brand's credentials online.