Ashes & Diamonds - Featured Wines

Ashes & Diamonds

Ashes & Diamonds is a new Napa Valley winery revitalizing the classic appeal of the area, curating land and talent to cater to a new consumer taste for a restrained, terroir-driven winemaking style. The same like-minded millennial community that is drawn to their winery on famed HWY 29 by values, simplicity, and transparency, now gathers around the modern, streamlined experience of a new FINE site, where the brand lives online.

Transcending Plain and Simple

Website architecture and design hinge on minimalism for the sake of user simplicity. The sense of scarcity in navigation, content, and layout echos brand expression, creating clear pathways for conversion and stylistically delivering on the brand’s old-world winemaking approach, where density is nullified for clarity. A black-and-white color palette is brightened with pops of color only on hover to create a stark contrast while signaling the way forward.

Fixed Direction

Constraining design and functionality to be more purposeful than flashy, a more elegant experience takes the user quickly through to checkout. Rather than duplication, users see wine release content on the main site, before checking out via an ecommerce platform that functions solely to complete a purchase or club signup.

Experiential Precision

Strategic interactions, like the modals used for vineyards and winemakers, provide concise information before cross-linking back to product pages, while wayfinding consistently guides users to sign up for Ashes & Diamonds membership. The brand engagement becomes focused on inspiring continual brand interaction beyond the site.

Uncomplicating Synergy

On mobile, navigation is even more deliberate, with a full-page takeover to minimize distractions between exploration of a site that scales down smoothly. At any size, the website’s simplicity belies the rigor of the creative strategy—from design, to content, to functionality—aligning the brand experience through a modern polish of a traditional perspective.