Real FINE Human: Caroline Moloney

Posted in Personal

We may not be ones to show off, but we tend to make an exception when it comes to our people. Every once in awhile, we’ll feature one here on Mingle, so you can get to know the real humans keeping it real behind our work.

Meet Caroline. She’s been strategizing brands at FINE for nearly 7 years.


What’s kept you around FINE all these years?

I found FINE when I moved to Portland 7 years ago and never looked back. It was the perfect fit professionally, personally, and culturally. I’ve been able to learn and grow so much here. FINE offers a very fluid environment, and you get to shape your own destiny. And the people are amazing. The leadership team continues to impress me (and make me laugh) every day.

Favorite FINE project?

I think one of the things I like most about FINE is the variety of clients and industries we work with. It keeps things interesting, fresh, and challenging. I have an opportunity to deep dive into a range of topics and markets. I love that. My longest-standing client is Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants, and they hold a special place in my heart. We’ve been through a lot together, and I still love working with them 6 years later.

What’s so exciting about Brand Strategy?

We get to go first. It’s the foundation of a brand that informs everything else that you do, from design, to the digital environment, to the customer experience. It’s also the time when you have those "aha" moments. How do you articulate the key essence and position of a brand in a few key words and concepts that are easy to understand and execute on? When it works, a designer will look at it and know exactly what to do. A sales rep will feel the same way. And so on. That’s pretty cool.

Tell us what you do when you’re not working.

I have a 6-month-old boy, so it’s all about sharing and exploring the world with him. We have grand plans to take him running, hiking, backpacking, camping, skiing, etc.

Describe you as someone else might.

Calm, patient, and diplomatic. I’m also apparently someone who doesn’t curse much, because people notice when I do (and laugh at me).

What’s the one thing that annoys you the most?

When someone says the same thing over and over again. I’m pretty good at picking it up the first time.

Favorite type of work to create?

Decks. Keynote, Google Slides, etc. I’ll even do PPT, believe it or not.

Have a special talent, or weird quirk?

While I listen well, I can tune out even better. I don’t even need headphones at my work station.

When you go to others for help, what are you usually asking for help with?

I like running ideas by lots of people. It’s always beneficial to get a second pair of eyes and ears on everything you do.

What small things make your day better?

Watching funny videos of coworkers doing karaoke. Having real conversations with real people. Going for a run with my husband. Picking up my baby boy at the end of the day.

What could you give a presentation on with absolutely no preparation?

How to plan a year-long international trip.

Anything you’ve been meaning to try but just haven’t gotten around to it?


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