Kobrand Wines & Spirits
If you don't know Kobrand, you've certainly heard of the brands they import and market. Their story is a decades-long tale of appreciation for quality, from the New World and Old. Their website pulls together this story, displaying Kobrand’s offerings as never before. It's a glimpse at the brand’s overall promise – a polished and sophisticated framework for marketing remarkable consumer brands.
A Single Digital Source of Truth
The site serves as a robust portal through which all supporting marketing content and data is managed, from the big brand story to the individual brand details. An open data platform makes content available to any point on the web (including mobile, Facebook, etc.) through simple integration with the system.

All Channels Covered
The portal provides a massive searchable database of all Kobrand labels, with extensive information on each. Microsites for each brand within the site rival standalone consumer websites for content and design. Assets, imagery, reviews, and downloadable information can be retrieved through a powerful yet simple search interface. Products can even be assembled and priced in customized sales “kits” for pitches to distributors and on-premise accounts.

A History and Industry Lesson
A rich bank of history and industry education is complemented with video and photo libraries. This section is a condensed education on the wine industry, complete with integrated YouTube video content, and Wine Education Tests to make sure you’ve been paying attention.
Mobilized for the Future
A mobile website makes the Kobrand site and tools available on smart phones. Facts and press are available to trade on-the-go for quick reference, or to support sales meeting discussions on the fly. It's the last element of platform that sets a new standard for the wine and spirits industry, and sets the stage for Kobrand's continued success.