M3 pioneered internet-based accounting and operations software. They grew a reputation as the first to focus on the unique needs of one industry, delivering tools and, most importantly, services to track, measure, and optimize financial performance. As their customer base shifted from single hotels and small management groups to enterprise-level corporations, it was time for a wholesale reimagining of their brand, product, and pitch.

Strategy / Rediscovering and Repositioning
An initial discovery phase enlisted internal stakeholders and key customers to help define and focus the elements of M3’s brand, people, and product from the ground up. The move to a more enterprise-focused approach led to a simplified, feature-based platform solution meant to replace a complex suite of individually branded software modules. From there, a roadmap of tactics was required to help reposition for a global, enterprise market.

Messaging and Product Naming / Less Naming, More Promising
A key to the platform approach was to “un-name” the modules, eliminating the distraction of overlapping product names and descriptions to make the platform easier to describe and sell, and to allow the core brand promise to more clearly emerge. A new battle cry, “Enterprising Hospitality,” surfaced the double promise of technology robust enough for the enterprise, paired with people industrious enough to help an organization of any size succeed. Carefully crafted supporting proof and talking points backed it up in a comprehensive messaging platform.
Identity / A Bold, Forward-Moving Identity
A dramatic visual modernization began with a new logo and identity system. The chosen direction was called “Boldly Moving Forward” for its visual allusions to momentum, infographics, and growth. The look hinged on a bold but friendly color palette, modern type with a technology feel, and a sense of confidence, innovation, and trust. A Brand Book coalesced the visual standards and messaging of the all-new M3.
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Business Systems / Supporting Enterprise Sales Cycles
The new messaging, visual identity standards, and product approach filtered into all the elements of the M3 collateral and business systems, from a core brand brochure written to tell the new story, to a business systems suite that conveyed the refreshed look, right down to polished email signatures. Each became a reinforcing touchpoint in the new M3 pitch.

Launch Campaign / Changing From Inside Out
As new core brand elements emerged, M3 invited internal staff, channel partners, and key audiences along for the ride to help tell the story, build excitement, and align on the message. A succession of carefully written teaser emails from executives reeled in the audience. A visually and logically compelling conference presentation to hundreds of staff gave the details. An external launch announcement clued in customers and media. And most importantly, new custom-branded modern schwag made it all so real.

Brand Pride
The dynamic new look of the M3 identity projects a confident spotlight on the proud team that passionately fulfills the big promises made to customers. This has reinforced a strong company culture where their branded products are seen as a badge of honor.
Digital / The M3 Digital Destination
M3’s new digital home had to prove its technology chops through both show and tell. The new identity’s modernity and boldness was on display with infographic-inspired elements that rounded out a signature style. Bold colors reinforced the forward movement alluded to in the logo and graphic style. The product platform was simple enough to look plug-and-play, even for the largest enterprise. Copy with a voice that’s approachable, smart, and succinct resonated with a digital-savvy audience. And everything was carefully crafted to look and feel slick on desktop, tablet, or mobile.
“The net effect is a brand that looks the part of a leader, not only in its category, but among global household names in B2B software and service.”