Spectrum Equity’s Digital Bridge To Innovators

Posted in Work


Spectrum Equity is a leading growth equity firm that’s provided capital and strategic support to high growth information economy companies for over 20 years. Their demonstrated success comes from engaging with innovators, partnering to form enduring relationships. And their website is a bridge to the innovative look, feel, and voice of their past, present, and future partners.

Spectrum Equity’s new digital home speaks to the quiet confidence of their shared success. The minimal aesthetic and interaction of the website tells makes way for Spectrum’s value to speak for itself, simply and clearly. The headlines on each of the top-level landing pages follow a cadence similar to chapters in a book.

The story’s reinforced with small details of interaction and user experience like elegant fade-in transitions that reveal key information (portfolio company tiles, news headlines, etc.) in a cascading effect.


The fully responsive website also serves as proof point to Spectrum’s technology awareness. The fluid website responds to the size of your browser and device, text and tiles adjusting and shifting accordingly, while content and imagery scale down for optimal consumption based on a user’s viewport. In some cases, content is hidden on mobile views for enhanced, on-the-go scanning.

The homepage carousel/slider feature celebrates partner companies, and can be handpicked, added, or removed at any time through the custom content management system behind the scenes. For a more democratic approach, the order is randomized, so each company receives equal attention.

The site enables engagement with entrepreneurs through carefully mapped pathways. The interaction could be as cursory as filtering through News headlines, getting straight to Contact info, or skimming an About page. But above all, the site elevates the firm’s Team and Portfolio as the pivotal basis for new relationships. Both adopt a tile-based, visually slick design on the front-end, with behind-the-scenes CMS connections that link team members to their partner investments and news, and vice versa. Special attention to seemingly small elements, like easy filtering of investments, approachable photography of team members, and outsized headline copy help these sections form an effective bridge with their partners of tomorrow.


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