Two Investment Strategies, One Digital Home

Posted in Work


Frazier Healthcare Partners is a leading healthcare-focused investment firm. For more than 25 years, they've partnered with distinctive executives to build premier healthcare companies and successfully navigate the waves of industry innovation.

The new Frazier website is built around how the company’s deep healthcare domain expertise plays out in two core strategies. A Life Sciences strategy focuses on the next wave of investments now in early stages, and Growth Buyouts extends their expertise and active involvement in companies that matured through previous industry cycles to reach a later stage.


Site design complements Frazier’s new brand identity to appeal to the today’s tech-savvy sensibilities and life sciences bent, with a spare, slick, and modern look and feel. Imagery and overall effect of color palette and type style also provide a personal, approachable impression that’s so important in appealing to today’s technology entrepreneurs, whether in healthcare or other industries.

The site’s information architecture takes Frazier’s two company strategies into account, ensuring that different audiences can tailor experience by filtering and gallery experiences in the Portfolio and Team sections, where a user’s path is recalled for ease of continued exploration. Easily navigable team detail pages also allow users to quickly focus on the experts they’re looking for based on their strategic area of focus, while inspiring conversation to make a personal connection.

Small, thoughtful development touches convey modern technology awareness in subtle ways, like a homepage gallery that refreshes with a new image each time the user visits, and a filter on the Team and Portfolio pages that maintains navigation selections once a user enters a detail page and retreats back to the landing. Additionally, calls-to-action throughout the site were created specific to user types, with destination links directly to filtered states that minimize clicks.

In short, the new Frazier site keeps the firm at the forefront of a highly dynamic and future-focused sector, while demonstrating the focused industry experience that helped them, and each of their partners, become the company they are today.


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