ECI: Two Healthy Improvements
Posted in Work
[ career search main landing page in desktop monitor]
A snazzy new Career Search section and blog continue the evolution that started with the rebrand and website launch for ECI last year.
These tools complement the brand's new look and feel with two simple but important functions: bringing together healthcare partners to share knowledge that improves hospitals, and attracting the best and brightest to fill open healthcare positions. The blog boasts an inviting look and easy filter functions.
[blog homepage screenshot]
The Career Search integrates a Google API-driven interactive map along with other search filters to make finding the right job a snap.
[career search interactive map screenshot]
Highly useful to visitors, these tools are also invaluable to search engine optimization. Careful SEO consulting, with tagging and redirects, helped to maintain the site's search authority so that a growing body of blog content can become a valuable asset in attracting search traffic and growing ECI's audience.