Conn Creek: Reaching Another Brand Level Along the Silverado Trail
Posted in Work
A revamped portfolio, along with a renovated tasting room, provided the impetus for Conn Creek’s recent brand transition. A new website backs it up by highlighting the Conn Creek onsite experience, enhancing brand perception and renewing focus on wine club membership. A more refined look and feel, imagery-driven approach, and smoothly responsive technology all help to connect customers to the elevated brand story.
Famed as much for the immersive in-house Barrel Blending Experience® found at their winery on the Silverado Trail as for their premium Cabernet Sauvignon and Bordeaux-Style Wines found everywhere, Conn Creek was recently named winner of the International “Best of Wine Tourism” award.
That sense of place extends to digital using a “story book” approach that marries imagery and select copy for elegant storytelling, leading with strong photos on the homepage of wines that represent every Napa Valley appellation and Conn Creek's diversity of flavor profiles.
The result is a compelling argument for the raised value of the brand, and a lure to come visit the brand home to see it all firsthand.