Adding Gravity to Heavy Water’s New Digital Space

Posted in Work


Heavy Water’s global team of technology consultants help organizations thrive with a streamlined approach toward development, delivery, and business solutions and operations. It’s a digitally minded company, now with a website that reflects its omnidirectional vision, while clearly outlining the its partnership approach and breadth of services.

The brand needed a website to do for it what it does for its clients—get people to where they need to be faster. At its base, Heavy Water sought an elevated design with a clearer depiction of their expertise and services, where a digital experience matched their tech-prowess. The focus: simplicity. The nature: approachable. The look: educational.


A unique layout plays on Heavy Water’s dynamism in every angle of business; high-level infographics activate a sense of direction for a clear education through attention-grabbing details. The design acts as a docent through the company’s process, where complex strategies and solutions are made to be easily digestible and approachable—an interpretation of how their services can be applied.

Pair custom infographics with FINE-written copy, and messaging is distilled to be understood by those new to Heavy Water’s world. Even the most complex set of solutions is made clear and balanced by a focused approach lit with more layman terms. The messaging shepherds from high-level to granular, with an angular design that mimics the strategy and guides the user.

The header angles also shift depending on page for a unique experience that allows content to breathe, while a jump functionality adds a touch of tech prowess in addition to the parallax scrolling. All converge for a clean form of communication without fear of overwhelming.

As Heavy Water’s deep brand story is revealed, it now comes with a down-pouring of information contained in an environment where users can easily find their right fill.


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