FINE Says a Mouthful at iBev

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Our own Josh Kelly spoke at the 2nd Annual iBev conference in San Francisco, attended by luminaries from the global beverage industry. The topic was social and digital media and judging by the Twitter response, it quenched many-a thirst for FINE’s collective experience in wine, spirits, beer, and other consumer branded drinkables.

Along with Josh were many wonderful and educational presentations. Oren Katzeff, Head of Programming at Tastemade gave a fantastic talk about using video to engage your fans with your brand and products. He showed off the new Tastemade video app and made an on-the-spot video to show us all how to use it.


Jim Lesser, President & CEO, BBDO San Francisco pulled on our heartstrings with his presentation about "snackable" content. He shared snippets, tid bits, and full length advertisements telling real stories. He touched on the importance of gaining the respect of your audience by being honest as well as entertaining.

Cheers and we'll see you all next year!


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