This Week in interesting links (8/29)

Posted in Insights

A URL In Any Language
Thoughts on what happens when URL's begin to use native languages.

The Evolution of the Web
Try it in Chrome!

Interesting app for creating maps from publicly available image sources.

Web Design is product design - Let the flame war begin!
"A designer who does not write markup and css is not designing for the web, but drawing pictures." The full Design Professionalism Book from the author (which could apply to developers as well) is at

The “designers should code” bullshit and a not so new idea
One of the many responses.

The future of editing on the web
What the future holds for editing content directly in page in next generation of browsers and HTML specs.

Why Good Advertising Works (Even When You Think It Doesn't
Many people think TV ads do not influence them. A $70 billion marketing industry disagrees. One side has to be right, and one side has to be wrong. Bet on the money.

The Fashion Industry Wants Tumblr to Get its Fucking Act Together


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