Kendall-Jackson: A Family Winery WOWs The World

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If it surprises you to learn that Kendall-Jackson remains family-owned, it’s understandable. As the American wine industry has grown, its pioneering families and successful brands have often sold – some would say sold out - to large corporate interests.

Not K-J. It’s a brand misconception they’re about to correct – that even as they’ve become a household name, they’ve kept it personal, and all in the family.

The effort to re-personalize K-J’s brand kicks off with the FINE-conceived Words of Wisdom campaign, and an appearance on CBS’s hit show “Undercover Boss” on Sunday, January 29th at 8 (7 Central).

On the show, CEO Rick Tigner connects with staff incognito to learn their true stories and weave them into the company’s family legacy. It’ll have you celebrating K-J’s personal side. And maybe taking a closer look at that new guy who started in accounting at your own office.

Meanwhile, the Words of Wisdom (or, WOW) campaign begins with a comprehensive communications effort across digital (web, mobile, tablet, Facebook) and analog channels.

The Words of Wisdom website, headlined by a silhouetted image that evokes both the TV show premise and the ever-presence of the late company founder Jess Jackson, tells the K-J family story. With video and words, it forms the connective tissue between the Jackson family and the people who make K-J go. That thread extends to K-J fans with a collaborative tool that allows people to share their family’s legacy through advice, stories, and pictures.

The winery's website is responsive, adapting for view on desktop, tablet, and mobile. It’s not just a simple sniff – even re-sizing the browser on your desktop will take you into small screen mobile mode. A back-end tool helps manage the flow of wisdom, approving submissions as they come in.

Through user submission and additional K-J video and other content in coming months, the digital experience will continue to grow. Along with it, grows the sense that K-J has retained its family roots, while inviting you to Join The Family.

The offline campaign extends to neckers, case glorifiers, mass displays, billboards, online advertising, and beyond. All are unified by the idea of continuing to build on this winery’s family legacy.

The Words of Wisdom campaign will persist long after the Undercover Boss television event. It will evolve and grow, a legacy shared and created by those with a lasting appreciation for Kendall-Jackson. And just good old-fashioned family wisdom.

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