Today’s path to the best use of land charts its course using brand. From niche residential, to mixed-use commercial, to some of the largest urban renewal projects of our time, FINE’s worked with owners, developers, and communities to amplify real estate value with brand equity.

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Fusing Past With Potential

Mare Island Company

Cumulus District Overview

Cumulus District


Convene Logo - Placemaking & Branding by FINE

A New Brand of Place Where Lifestyle Meet Workstyle


FINE builds real estate brands with gravity. We actively engage with all development partners to ensure the connective tissue between placemaking and place-branding is people and their experience. Our work in real estate leverages the full Brand-Led Business Building® toolkit to bring places and properties to life.

Place Brand Vision

Craft a remarkable concept, purpose, position, and promise. Define special moves and central features to make your brand distinct. Share a playbook to align your people, inside and out.

Place-Based Experience Design

Map the journey and experience of residents, tenants, visitors, and members. Engineer the systems that put it into practice. Make sure what you deliver always lives up to what you promise.

Brand Identity & Expression

Design visual standards and marks. Set a name, voice and tone. Launch a be-all end-all web presence. And fill in all the elements that reach your audience in between.

Websites & Digital Destinations

Launch a flagship online site to rival your offline property, where everything your brand is, does, and says is on display and setup to entice visits, leases, purchases, and word-of-mouth.

Brand Traction & Digital Marketing

Find, lure, and keep the range of people that create a vibrant sense of place. Make a plan. Get creative. Orchestrate paid, earned, and owned channels to gain and grow lasting traction.

Experience design is a key (and often missing) ingredient in place-branding. FINE’s approach to experience master planning, hospitality experiences, and even digital user experience, proves invaluable in developing real estate brands that promise the things to do that make your brand the place to be.